Writing is a craft. There is no simpler way to describe it. The ability to channel ideas through the flow of script, the flow of words, is a satisfaction all aspiring writers appreciate. To form new life, to live and feel another person’s emotions, see the world through another set of eyes, encourages oneself to look up and ask: What if?
My name is Adam Kearney and I like all of these things. To say I am a budding, passionate writer would be to say an Astronaut enjoys space. There is no passion if that passion does not consume that passionate person’s life. Confusing? No. Writing to me is my life, my being, my reason. Without writing (and my girlfriend, of course!) I would be nothing more than another tearaway hanging on street corners, wasting away all opportunity, all ambition to succeed in something special.
Not really. But seriously, writing is like any other art. I doubt any of Vinnie van Gogh’s paintings were whipped up as quickly as a Subway wrap, or Shakespeare sitting in his front room burning away parchment with so many brilliant ideas all come at once. Writing takes time. It takes love, care and affection. A novel needs to be nurtured, carefully tendered before it is put on the rack, ready for its beating. So for those wishful writers who want overnight success … there’s no such thing. Writing a novel takes hard effort and grind, many sleepless nights (if you’re like me), and a strong determination for completing what you started.
I, myself, began writing as early as four or five years old. I can’t remember exactly the date when I woke up and decided, all of a sudden, that I wanted to write stories. What I do know, however, is that I have always had a love for fiction. And while I have dipped my toes into many a genre, fantasy fiction has by far been the most spellbinding.
Not only that, but fantasy fiction is also the most challenging. With writing, one normally has to tap into the imagination and come up with something extraordinary. Fantasy fiction allows for extraordinary things on every turn of the page. As a writer, being able to access that part of your imagination, to think of things, crazy, whacky, supernatural things, then putting it to paper, is one of the most gratifying feelings I have ever experienced.
But enough of my rambling. In this blog, Glen and I have decided that, to help preserve our inspiration, we would like to share bits and pieces of what we know about writing, more so in relation to the fantasy genre. This is a place where our voices can be heard, our works can be viewed, and a way for you to help us understand what is needed, or what needs changing in relation to our own writing. We both agree that our voices may be hollow, that we may simply be talking to nothing at all, but what of it? Writers take these sorts of chances, use the initiative needed to get themselves out there. And this is one way of us going about it (even if it crashes and burns, we don’t care!).
But before I go, I would like to say that what Glen and I are trying to achieve out of all this, is to bring together a small group of people who enjoy writing. It doesn’t have to be fantasy. We enjoy all forms of reading, but whatever it is that you do write, we would love to hear it, and we certainly hope that we can help you ignite some inspiration from our own works, and that we are contributing something worthwhile, at least, to the internet community of writers.
n Adam
The internet's a fascinating thing, I've found. An endless expanse, with new sites made every day. The internet is like a self-contained universe. Constantly making and destroying, filled with so much unknown. Sometimes the internet will present an anomaly, like Earth itself; a spot of luck in the endless pages of content that will entertain.
Sometimes in this universe, people shine and we find something spectacular. A gem within the unimaginable universe. We find such within the true universe. Mind blowing sights, of galaxies and stars.
And like the universe most things aren't noticed, so a lot of things of beauty are missed.
Now enough of the analogy nonsense!
My name is Glen and I'm one of the multitudes of aspiring writers out there. I dream of spending my life telling stories of worlds unlike our own. I constantly write little stories, and make little notes about my 'big project'. My big project being my fantasy novel.
Many writers set up a blog to be noticed, which is why Adam approached me initially, to put us somewhere on the internet. I've been meaning to set up a personal blog, and I probably will. One dedicated to the work I've done. Short stories, snippets from my novel. Parts of the expansive lore of my world. But that's another topic for another post.
Primarily, we have this. A blog for myself and Adam to talk about other stuff. Stories from movies, books, games. Our thoughts and opinions on them. The two of us bonded over our love of crafting our own lore, and we'll probably discuss the lore of our worlds and other creations, and what made them unique and fascinating.
Who doesn't want to read about in-depth discussion and opinions about other works? Reviews from two amateur writers? I know I would! (Not propaganda, I swear).
While Adam has an on-going degree in this sort of thing, I just have a love of writing and fantasy. I claimed to want to be an author from the early age of seven, and have striven to attain such a status since. I took a scientific route in university, with some regret, though my love of arts, and by extension english and writing is no less than his.
We set up this to put ourselves out there, a place where our voices might be heard, where we can write about something other than those mighty novels we are both trying to hammer out. We might be talking to nothing, then again, we night be talking to multitudes who are interested in this. Who's to say right now?
I have a tendency to ramble a bit, which is quite clear above. So expect some jumbling in my posts.
Back to this introduction of the peculiar mind of me; I'm an avid reader. I read all sorts. Fantasy though is my one true passion. Tolkien is the first true inspiration, having read his works at very young age. Much like any aspiring fantasy writer, I am massively influenced by his work.
I've been interested in fictional works my entire life, from a childhood love of tales of knights, to now, where I write such tales myself.
My love of creating is infinite and this blog will be riddled with my attempts at creating something others might enjoy too.
Lastly, to make a point about my early analogy, I will say that I would hope that we, that being Adam and I, can show others something worthwhile in the internet that you might take some joy from.
n Glen
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